I’m trying to install karaokemugen-app from sources on my Raspberry Pi 4 that runs Gentoo linux (arm64), and the application crashes (or shuts down?) right after mpv successfuly shows up. The error message is not very helpful (for me):
error Command failed with exit code 1.
From the logs, the last thing it successfully did is
info: [Stats] Payload sent successfully to kara.moe
Electron Security Warning (Insecure Contexnt-Security-Policy) font-weight: bold; This renderer process has either no Contexnt Security Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes user of this app to unnecessary security risks."
I have no experience in debugging electron, but I’m an experienced programmer, so feel free to put me on the right path (tutorial on how to setup a dev env, etc.)
Any idea what’s happening?
If someone can tell me what they see in the log after this when it works could help me too.
FWIW, I see the window comming up quickly, but then disapears right after.